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The Symphony Hall(読み方:ざ しんふぉにー ほーる)は、大阪市にあるコンサートホールです。


In 1982, The Symphony Hall is the first concert hall designed specifically for western classical music in Japan. It was built as part of the commemorative project of the 30th anniversary of Asahi Broadcasting Corporation. Since then, the hall has gained international recognitions and hosted a variety of many memorable performances. The renowned conductor Herbert von Karajan boldly pronounced, “The Symphony Hall is one of the best hall in the world.” In 2014, The Symphony Hall corp. will open a new chapter of The Symphony Hall. We are ensuring preservation of the great history of the hall even as we continue to expand our musical offerings.


After passing the promenades among trees, the elegant white concert hall adorned with ten Grecian style columns appears majestically in front of us. Since The Symphony Hall appeared in Osaka, many artists in the world have formed a deep love for the hall. People feel this hall is special because we could see the effort and wisdom of all creators, technicians and hall staffs. Particularly notable future of the hall includes the state of the art acoustic system. The cork floor, the carefully designed wall, and the sound reflection board attached to the ceiling appearing like a bird in fly allows for two full seconds of reverberation. This is making the ideal reverberation for classical music.
A 1704-seat hall is designed in an arena style allowing optimal visibility to the entire audience. There are also a comfortable café and a lounge open for all performances. These features help to create the unique and special experience The Symphony Hall has to offer.



代表 : 06-6453-1010

・JR大阪環状線 福島駅 徒歩約7分
・JR東西線 新福島駅 徒歩約10分
・阪神電車 福島駅 徒歩約10分
・JR 大阪駅 徒歩約15分👣

🚙駐車場 あり



🔐コインロッカー 1階ロビー

👜クローク 1階ロビー

🚬喫煙所 正面入り口を出られて左手奥にございます。外出券をお持ちください。

🚻トイレ あり

🍹入場ドリンク代 なし(別途チケット)










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